Company creation solutions Dubai right now

June 4, 2023


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Quality company creation providers in Dubai: What Makes Dubai a Good Place for Business? Dubai has made world news time and time again with its significant investment in infrastructure. The Burj Khalifa remains the tallest man-made structure on the planet, while man-made islands and peninsulas represent the pinnacle of geographic engineering; the Palm Islands are instantly recognisable, providing temporary and permanent accommodation solutions in an eminently stylish fashion. These examples extreme, but represent well the city’s commitment to its infrastructure. Nothing is done by halves, and businesses can comfortably operate in the knowledge that their every need will be catered for. Dubai is a playground for new businesses.

You will have to deal with Taxation, Vat, Licenses, Banks, Government and more. All of this is usually dealt from your Business development department, but “How” could they do it in a country they don’t know? How could they deliver the needed documentation without the right support, someone that knows exactly how the country works? Kaper proposes clear, transparent solutions in simple steps, that will support the best of your ideas, applying their long tested strategic services. Find more details on Dubai company formation.

What is a free zone? Free zones are geographically demarcated areas within the UAE (even if most of them are not fenced or gated) permitting 100% foreign ownership and are in most cases, dedicated to a specific industry. They were designed to support strategic transformation in key industries (e.g. finance) and many are built with public finance and boast state-of-the-art facilities. For instance, the Dubai Media City – a free zone in the emirate of Dubai – has infrastructure and licences adapted to the needs of the media industry. Similarly, the Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC – see below) attracts companies in the financial services sector, drawing in insurance, financial services and investment firms and banks wanting to grow their international client-base.

A promising and bright future: Dubai plans to further cement its position as an economic, technology, innovation and business hub. It seeks to be number one across fields, working in parallel with plans such as the UAE Centennial 2071 and various short-term goals that define targets for each industry and sector. Dubai is poised to grow, and there can be no better choice for your business. Magnet for foreign investment: Dubai attracted Dh12 billion in FDI through 190 projects in the first half of 2020 despite the coronavirus pandemic. The city ranked sixth in the global attraction of foreign investment over the six-month period and first in the MENA region.

Benefits of free zones: With more than 50 different free zones across the UAE and with many more under development, free zones have helped make the UAE an attractive option for foreign businesses looking to relocate or expand their global footprint. The common benefits of doing business in a UAE free zone include: 100% foreign ownership of the enterprise; Access to world class logistic facilities; Availability of a large pool of multicultural, skilled professionals; Benefits from economies of concentration (given the zones dedicated to industries); Ease of recruiting international employees, with all free zones providing one-stop-shop services for work visas; Tax holidays – usually guaranteed for 15 or 50 years; 100% import and export tax exemption; 100% repatriation of capital and profits; Corporate tax exemptions for up to 50 years; Eligibility to apply for the UAE Tax Residency Certificate.

Kabar is a trusted and reliable company formation and incorporation service provider. We have a team of experienced professionals who can help you with all your company formation needs. We are committed to providing excellent customer service and helping businesses succeed in Dubai. Here are some of the benefits of using Kabar to establish your company: Convenience: We can take care of all the paperwork and formalities involved in the company formation process, so you can focus on running your business. See additional details on

