Category: Legal Services
High quality lawyer support in Thailand with 3LawyersThailand
Excellent law quotes in Thailand from Are you looking for a professional lawyer in Thailand? is Thailand’s best digital legal platform to battle a market that lacks transparency when seeking a lawyer. The platform connects you with three trusted lawyers in Thailand who gives a quote on your specific case. Discover more information about lawyer quotes in Thailand. Client consultant: A dedicated client consultant will be assigned to your case to help you find the best lawyer.
Ownership of a house in Thailand can be transferred separate from the land it stands on. Land and house could have different owners and in a long term lease construction it strongly advised to follow the correct procedure to obtain legal ownership of the house. Transfer of a structure separate from the land must be in writing and registered with the competent authority (i.e. the Land Department’s branch or provincial office). The right to own a building upon another man’s land always relates to the term an right to use and possess the land (i.e the term of the land lease and/ or the right of superficies term). The right of habitation under the civil and commercial law of Thailand (sections 1402 to 1409) refers to the right of a person to live in the house of another gratuitously. The right of habitation differs from a usufruct contract that the person granted a usufruct is allowed to transfer the exercise of his rights to a third person (not the actual usufruct), where the right of habitation grants only the use of a property for the residence of the grantee himself and family. A habitation contract refers to the right of dwelling in a house.
The assistance of lawyers is crucial in the drafting, negotiation and implementation of these instruments. Lawyers are prepared to take clients through their rights and safeguards before acts are committed, or signatures are affixed. Expect lawyers to also explain to you all possible legal consequences which may result from an act. Essentially, proper lawyer consultation results in more learned decisions. Real estate or property law in Thailand is the area of Thai law that governs the rights of use, possession and various forms of ownership of immovable property (land, house, condominium). In this article a brief legal introduction to the most common real estate laws in Thailand.
The applicant of a work permit must be in the possession of a valid non-Immigrant visa at the time they of processing the work permit application, however it is possible to start a work permit application for the purpose of obtaining a Non-Immigrant class B (business) visa (i.e. some embassies around Thailand require a valid work permit or a work permit application form (WP 2) as one of the conditions for issuing a non-immigrant class B (business) visa).
Foreigners and foreign juristic persons may own an apartment unit in a building registered and licensed under the Thailand Condominium Act. Section 19 of this act governs foreign ownership of condos, which among others puts a limit on foreign ownership in a condo building and not more than 49% of all units in a condo project can be foreign owned. When the aggregate floor space of all units combined is 6000 square meters 2940 square meters can be foreign owned, or in case of 100 equal apartment units in one condo building up to 49 of the units can be foreign-owned, 51 or more must be Thai owned. In addition foreigners must qualify for ownership under section 19 which usually means that the foreigner must have brought into Thailand foreign currency at least equal to the total purchase of the condo and having exchanged this amount into Thai baht. The recipient bank inside Thailand will supply documents of the remittance and exchange of foreign currency and such proof must be submitted to the Land Department in order to register foreign ownership. It should be noted that foreign ownership is an individual personal right of the foreigner who qualified under section 19 and therefore foreign ownership of the unit is not transferable to another foreigner unless this foreigner (including foreign heirs) also individual qualifies for ownership under section 19 of the Condominium Act. We have helped a growing number of clients find the right lawyer for their specific case in Thailand. Using a lawyer requires both trust and reliability. That is why the lawyers in our partner program undergo an admission process to ensure our network only consists of the best English-speaking lawyers in Thailand. Our extensive network of lawyers helps us find the ideal lawyers for your specific case. Find more information on
Law offers Thailand by right now
Reliable law quotes Thailand with Usufruct is the right to use or occupy another person’s real property for one’s life or up to 30 years under sections 1417 1428 of the Civil and Commercial Code. The right of usufruct is not complete unless registered with the Thailand land department. Established and recorded in the official land registry of the local land office for a fixed term or for the life of the usufructuary, the usufruct exists as long as the usufructuary is alive. After his or her death the real estate property reverts back to the owner. A usufruct is often given to a family member such as a foreign spouse with the intention that a foreign spouse is protected in the event of death of the Thai spouse (registered owner). The usufruct gives the right to the foreign spouse to remain in the property upon the death of his or her Thai spouse. Fill out the form : Let us know about your legal problem. Just fill out our form. It only takes 2 minutes. Discover even more info at Click here to find a lawyer in Thailand.
Litigation involves bringing controversies to the proper forum for the resolution of issues. While representation is not mandatory in a few cases, the assistance of a Thai counsel is indispensable in most. This holds true not only for Thai litigants, but for foreign parties most especially. Aside from assurance that all legal rights and defenses are made available to the litigant, he is likewise given a “voice” in a forum where all proceedings are conducted in a language that may be foreign to him.
The rights and duties of the employer and the employee are generally governed by the Labour Protection Act(LPA) and the Civil and Commercial Code. Generally, under Thailand employment laws an agreement between the employer and the employee cannot be less than the minimum standards or requirements set by law. The maximum probationary period permissible under Thai employment law is 120 days. All employers are required by labour law to provide at least 13 official public holidays per year, and six vacation days after one full year of service. Apart from salary, all benefits arising from employment are regarded as assessable income subject to withholding tax at a progressive rate.
Foreign corporations operating a business in Thailand may for the duration of their business in Thailand obtain special privileges and exemptions for land ownership through the Board of Investment under section 27 of the Investment Promotion Act and under section 44 of the Industrial Estate Authority of Thailand Act or section 65 of the Petroleum Act. This exemption requires large investments and is limited to the duration of their business.
We have helped a growing number of clients find the right lawyer for their specific case in Thailand. Using a lawyer requires both trust and reliability. That is why the lawyers in our partner program undergo an admission process to ensure our network only consists of the best English-speaking lawyers in Thailand. Our extensive network of lawyers helps us find the ideal lawyers for your specific case. Are you searching a quality lawyer in Thailand? is Thailand’s best online digital legal platform to battle a market that lacks transparency when seeking a lawyer. The platform connects you with three trusted lawyers in Thailand who gives a quote on your specific case. Discover even more details on
Best legal assistance United Kingdom from The National Community Law Project CIC and Rev. Dane Marks
High quality legal assistance UK with The National Community Law Project CIC and Rev. Dane Marks? The UK Legal system is facing many challenges at present and because of the restrictions on legal aid, the people who are mostly affected are those who are on the low-income spectrum and from marginalised areas. Dane explains, I have seen many injustices inflicted on people throughout my life, however, I strongly believe in our legal justice system and it will continue to be the fairest system of rules internationally for the foreseeable future. It is important for our future solicitors and barristers to gain the experience of serving and supporting the most vulnerable and deprived as their building blocks from the outset of their careers.
Partner spotlight: NWAMI hosts a variety of events which provide opportunities for people from all over the world to showcase their talents and provide a taste of their own culture. In the past this has involved taking groups to parliament to discuss issues of integration and welfare. The groups were formed largely of international students from Bangor University, who were passionate about supporting welfare and experience of all international students. This can be through the medium of music, dance, poetry or writing. Some events we take part in include celebrations of DIWALI, Black History month, Inter-cultural events all over the country along. Visit our pages to see pictures and more information about the work we have done! Discover more information at Community Law Project in UK.
Legal tip of the day: Insurance company private investigators have been known to carry concealed tape recorders to interview claimants and their friends or acquaintances. You should never discuss your case with anyone other than your solicitor and your treating doctors or therapists. It is extremely important that you advise your solicitor of any PRIOR ACCIDENTS, PRE-EXISTING INJURIES or PRE ACCIDENT PHYSICAL COMPLAINTS. Many good cases are compromised or lost because the injured person forgets or conceals previous injuries or history of physical complaints from his or her own solicitor.
The Criminal Justice System does not always get it right first time. If you have appeared in court and disagree with the outcome, you may have the right to appeal against that decision. Our team have vast experience in dealing with all varieties of appeal and are on hand to assist you with your appeal; even if we did not represent you at the original hearing. We provide a free initial telephone options appointment to see how we can assist in your circumstances. Please call your preferred office below for a no obligation, initial discussion or email and we will call you back.
Clients on low incomes may have further difficulties in accessing emails, printers, scanners or even the internet. Many are caught within the endless cycle of service jumping as many cannot find a service that can completely fill their legal needs and thus keep being referred from one place to another. The limited advice they get from pro bono sessions with solicitors are sporadic and can only be within a 30-minute time span in many cases. To combat this, we have secured a partnership with 350 law firms that provides a 24/7 legal advice live chat tool on our website to give quick, accessible advice at one’s convenience. Our company is free to register with as a volunteer or a paralegal. Anyone is welcome to sign up who is interested in making their community a better place regardless of degree. Read more details on Rev. Dane Marks.
Dane Marks, a co-founder of The The National Community Law Project CIC, initiates a plan for a reliable online court platform that will support the Judiciary and relevant government departments. The Judiciary system can create a better and swift solution of issues, which will speed up the whole process for delayed cases. Several reports and analysis related to Courts in England and Wales for the year 2019 show that 4.2 million cases in total were registered. These numbers represent a flood of civil and family cases that may remain outstanding and delayed for an extended period.
Högst betyg arbetskraft och företag juridisk rådgivning strategier med Alexander Suliman, Sverige
February 14, 2023
Legal Services
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Porthos Fabiene
Premium företagsoffentlig rätt juridisk rådgivning råd med Alexander Suliman, Sverige: Som en allmän regel tenderar arbetslagstiftningen i EU att vara mindre arbetsgivarvänlig i EU än i USA, med uppsägningsklausuler som vanligtvis inte är tillåtna och kollektiva förhandlingar vanliga i vissa länder. När du övervakar ditt företag i EU, se till att dina anställningsavtal är förenliga med den lokala lagstiftningen eftersom varje EU-medlemsstat har sina egna regler för olika aspekter som förmåner, anställningsskatter, uppsägning och deltidsarbete. Företagsinvandring är ett nyckelämne i EU eftersom olika företag välkomnar anställda från andra EU- eller tredje partsländer. Du bör överväga vilka alternativ som finns för dina amerikanska arbetare som du vill skicka till EU och definiera strategin och typen av stöd du vill ge din personal och deras familjer. Se till att du är medveten om de senaste och kommande lagändringarna. Till exempel implementerade Belgien nyligen EU-direktivet om ett enda tillstånd, som innehåller en ny uppsättning regler som gör den administrativa processen för arbetstillstånd mindre betungande. Se ytterligare detaljer på Alexander Suliman.
Den 11 maj publicerade EU-kommissionen sitt förslag till förordning för att bekämpa material för sexuella övergrepp mot barn (CSAM). Kommissionen lyckades klämma ihop en mängd kontroversiella frågor om digitala rättigheter i ett paket: blockering av webbplatser, obligatorisk övervakning av onlineinnehåll och, den mest nya, en åtgärd som öppnar dörren för att undergräva kryptering. Eftersom krypteringsteknik skyddar kommunikationssekretessen kommer en avgörande fråga i den kommande policydebatten att vara om denna senare åtgärd, eller dess genomförande, är förenlig med rätten till integritet och dataskydd enligt EU:s stadga om de grundläggande rättigheterna (stadgan). I detta bidrag undersöker jag en aspekt av den frågan: är det möjligt att hävda att denna åtgärd inte respekterar kärnan i dessa rättigheter? På grundval av en preliminär analys drar jag slutsatsen att detta verkligen är försvarbart och föreslår ytterligare vägar för prospektering.
2021 utfärdade den franska regeringen doktrinen för användning av molnberäkning av staten (“Trusted Cloud Doctrine”), vilket gjorde SecNumCloud-certifiering obligatorisk när en fransk statlig myndighet upphandlar molntjänster som skulle hantera känslig data, inklusive personuppgifter från franska medborgare och ekonomiska uppgifter om franska företag. Dessa krav gäller även privata operatörer av väsentliga tjänster. Enligt Frankrikes Trusted Cloud Doctrine måste kvalificerade molntjänstleverantörer vara “immuna mot alla regler utanför EU”. Dessutom måste sådana företag förbinda sig att lagra och bearbeta data inom EU, samt att administrera och övervaka tjänsten inom EU. Vidare kan molntjänstföretag med utländskt huvudkontor inte uppnå certifiering om de är mer än 39 % utlandsägda.
IT, företag juridisk rådgivning råd av Alexander Suliman, Sverige idag: Vi kommer också att titta på sammanflätade ekonomi. Det tar ett nästa steg som måste gå till domstolsprocessen, men om de delar på utgifter, om det finns ett gemensamt bankkonto, om ett fordon är registrerat på en adress, kommer vi att titta på dessa saker för att bevisa sambo. Viktigt är att samboende inte betyder att de bor tillsammans. Vi behöver inte visa att de har ett gemensamt hushåll. Det är inte något som är avgörande för att bevisa samboendet att de faktiskt bor tillsammans. Se ännu mer info på Alexander Suliman, Stockholm.
Europas oro över säkerheten för amerikanska molntjänstleverantörer är i själva verket nära sammanflätade med dess oro, uttryckt i Schrems II, om integriteten för européernas information som anförtrotts dessa företag. I båda fallen fruktar europeiska beslutsfattare den uppfattade extraterritoriella räckvidden för amerikanska nationella säkerhetsövervaknings- och brottsbekämpande myndigheter. Ny reglering av cybersäkerhet ses därför som ytterligare ett sätt att skydda Europas “suveräna” intresse av att skydda data från utländsk regeringsåtkomst. Det skulle också förstärka separata europeiska ansträngningar för att stärka mindre, hemmaodlade molntjänstleverantörer, bland annat genom GAIA-X-projektet för att skapa ett interoperabelt nätverk “explicit baserat på principer om “suveränitet-by-design”, som en ledande europeisk teknik advokat har karakteriserat det.