Category: Travel

Best Chadar trek tours 2025

January 18, 2025


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Kashmir Great Lakes trek tours in India today: Camping Under the Stars – Camping is an integral part of most trekking experiences in India, and it’s an experience you’ll cherish. Sleeping in a tent under the starry sky, listening to the sounds of nature, and waking up to the sight of towering peaks is an unbeatable feeling. Many treks, like Hampta Pass, Goechala, and Har Ki Dun, offer campsites with breathtaking views. Trekking Through Diverse Climates – Trekking in India allows you to explore diverse climates. For instance, the Spiti Valley trek offers arid, high-altitude desert landscapes, while the Western Ghats treks provide lush, green rainforest experiences. From the cool Himalayan foothills to the warm tropical climates of the south, you’ll find a rich diversity of environments on different treks. Find even more information at Tarsar Marsar trek tours.

In mid March, when winter starts to recede, snow is still around. A carpet of fresh grass sprouts around these snow patches. It makes meadows and clearings above 9,000 feet a delight. The lush grass with ankle-length flowers against the backdrop of snow is a visual treat. Shaking off the harshness of winter, new leaves start sprouting on trees. Flowers bloom. The landscape is a riot of colours. Spring is in the air. Birds wake up from their winter slumber. Their voices spring through the forests. For those who love bird photography, Spring is the time of the year to do treks.

Over the past ten years, we have found that just one week-long trek in the Himalayas leaves trekkers in a much better mental space. They are more open to challenges, they solve problems more easily, and they are more humble and open to learning. Kedarkantha Trek: There are many reasons why it is a very popular trek to do in the Indian Himalayas. The most important of them is this — the summit climb. The summit climb of Kedarkantha is a very rewarding one. Right from the base camp of the trek, the summit looms large. As you start your trek in the early hours of the morning and steadily climb up the steep slope, the world opens up around you. The climb is not easy. The entire stretch is steadily steep. As you get closer to the summit, it gets tricky as well. But the big mountains of the upper Himalayas keep you company until you finally reach the summit. As you stretch yourself and take in the views of the Himalayas from the summit, you feel a strong sense of satisfaction and accomplishment. This is an unparalleled feeling. Very few treks offer the same adventure, making it popular among beginners for its finest summit climb.

On a trek your body is exerting, it’s generating heat so you don’t need the layers. But after the trek, your body starts cooling down. It starts losing heat. To prevent this, you need to layer up, get into something dry quickly after you finish your day’s trek. This helps in retaining your core body heat. How to tackle the presence of snow: In most other seasons, when you trek, you walk on bare land, footstep after footstep with no worries. In winter though, once you reach a certain altitude (usually above 9,000 ft), there’s no more bare land. All your footsteps are in snow. This becomes challenging when the snow is above ankle-deep. Your foot sinks in and it takes effort to pick it up and put your next step forward. There are a few ways to tackle this presence of snow. See even more information at Pangarchulla Peak Trek.

Don’t forget sunglasses and sunscreen lotion: Trekkers tend to forget about the sun when it comes to snow treks. Yet, the sun is the most comforting and harshest experience in snow. Once the sun comes out, snow begins to reflect sunlight like a mirror, so it’s like having multiple suns shine at you. Here, two things are important: (a) protecting your eyes and (b) protecting your skin. Unknown to most, our eyes are prone to sunburns as much as our skin is. The sunburn of the eye is called photokeratitis (also called snow blindness). Too much UV exposure can damage the eye’s cornea and cause a burning, gritty sensation in the eyes and temporary blindness. To avoid this, carry sunglasses and wear them right from the time you see snow around you until you get out of the snow zone.

Diverse Terrain for All Levels – India’s varied geography—ranging from the Himalayas to the Western Ghats to the Thar Desert—means there are treks suited to all levels of experience. Whether you’re looking for easy hikes or challenging, high-altitude treks, there’s something for everyone. Affordable Adventure – Compared to other global trekking destinations, trekking in India is often much more affordable. Costs for permits, guides, food, and accommodation tend to be budget-friendly, making it a great option for those looking for an adventure without breaking the bank.

Dayara Bugyal: Best Months: January, February, march, April, May, June, September, October, November, December. Very few trekkers have set foot on the Dayara Bugyal trek, even though it lies very close to the Gangotri region. Dayara Bugyal is one of those off-beat treks which takes your breath away! It is so rewarding for very little effort. The vast meadows, beautiful campsites and stunning mountain views make Dayara Bugyal an ideal summer trek. Especially if there are kids aged 7 years and above, because it makes for a perfect family trek, just like the Phulara Ridge trek above.

Ferienwohnungen in Strandpalais Duhnen sommer 2025

January 5, 2025


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Residenz Hohe Lith Cuxhaven schnell und komfortable Frühling 2025: Erkunden Sie Schloss Ritzebüttel und seine wunderschönen Schlossanlagen. Schloss Ritzebüttel in Cuxhaven kann zwar nicht mit Schloss Neuschwanstein und Schloss Eltz mithalten, ist aber einen Besuch wert. Das Gebäude war einst das Zuhause eines Aristokraten und stammt aus dem späten 13./frühen 14. Jahrhundert. Obwohl es eher wie ein kleiner Palast als ein echtes Schloss aussieht, ist es aus mehreren Gründen bemerkenswert. Das Restaurant im Erdgeschoss serviert Apfelgebäck und köstliche Lattes. Es ist mit seinem leuchtend roten Backstein, den goldenen Akzenten und dem kreisförmigen Rasen, der von roten Blumen umgeben ist, ziemlich fotogen. Vergessen Sie nicht, um die Ecke zu gehen und sich das fabelhafte Fachwerkgebäude neben dem Schloss anzusehen. Aber es ist wirklich das wunderschöne, natürliche, weitläufige Schlossgelände, das uns überzeugt hat. Botaniker werden die Vielfalt der mit ihren Arten beschrifteten Bäume lieben. Hübsche Wege durchziehen die Wälder rund um das Schloss, das mitten in der Stadt liegt. Ein großer U-förmiger Burggraben mit einem Spazierweg entlang bietet Bänke zum Sitzen und Genießen der absoluten Schönheit des Ortes. Sehen extra information auf Residenz Hohe Lith.

Das Wattenmeer Besucherzentrum liegt direkt am Sahlenburger Strand zwischen Heide und Watt. Die ansprechend gestaltete Ausstellung in dem architektonisch eindrucksvollen Holzbau zeigt alles Wissenswerte zum Weltnaturerbe Wattenmeer. Und auf naturkundlichen Führungen können Besucher Watt, Salzwiesen oder Küstenheide erleben. Die weite Wattlandschaft ist zu jeder Jahreszeit ein besonderes Naturerlebnis. Für wen ist das Wattenmeer Besucherzentrum gut? Dieser Ort ist gut für Jung und Alt. Man kann viel über Natur, Umwelt, Verschmutzung usw. lernen. Ach ja, und außerdem ist der Eintritt frei! Was Touristen am Wattenmeer Besucherzentrum gefallen hat? Das Museum ist sehr neu und modern, es gibt viele interessante Informationen zum Wattenmeer und auch Kindern dürfte hier nicht langweilig werden. Das Personal ist sehr nett, es gibt Schließfächer für Jacken und Taschen und auch Tee, Kaffee usw. gibt es zu vernünftigen Preisen. Ein tolles Ausflugsziel für alle Wattenmeer-Interessierten.

Bei Ihrem Urlaub in einer der Ferienwohnungen in Duhnen sollte auch keineswegs ein Besuch in Cuxhaven fehlen. Die drittgrößte Stadt an der Niedersächsischen Nordseeküste bietet eine Fülle an Sehenswürdigkeiten, wie die Kugelbake, die Alte Liebe oder das Museum Windstärke 10. Ihre Ferienwohnung Duhnen bietet Ihnen eine gute Lage, in Cuxhaven Duhnen, um viele Unternehmungen zu starten – Sowohl bei gutem, als auch bei schlechtem Wetter.

Das gesunde Klima und die vielen Sport- und Freizeitmöglichkeiten locken Menschen von nah und fern. Leuchttürme, malerische Städte am Hafen, kulturelle Highlights und einzigartige Dünenlandschaften bestimmen die Nordseeküste in Cuxhaven Duhnen. Unsere Ferienwohnungen an der Nordsee zeigen sich von ihrer gemütlichen Seite und bestechen durch die reizende Architektur und eine liebevolle, hochwertige Einrichtung. In unseren Ferienwohnung Duhnen liegt Wellness praktisch vor der Tür und die große Flexibilität, von der Selbstversorgung bis zum gemütlichen Abend mit Freunden auf der Terrasse, verspricht Urlaub ohne Stress und Hotelhektik. Unsere Gäste lieben die kilometerweiten Nordsee Strände, den faszinierenden Blick über die weite See und das gesunde und erholsame Nordseeklima. Im Frühling und Sommer weht dem Urlauber der Duft der blühenden Felder um die Nase und im Herbst ist Drachen steigen lassen ganz hoch im Kurs. All das lässt sich in während eines Urlaubs in Ferienwohnungen an der Nordsee erleben.

Das Highlight der Anlage ist jedoch das große Schwimmbad mit integrierter Sauna, Infrarotkabine und Dampfbad. Alles steht unseren Gästen kostenlos zur Verfügung. Dies ist die ideale Ergänzung für einen erholsamen Urlaub an der Nordsee in Cuxhaven Duhnen. Freuen Sie sich auf komfortable und geschmackvoll eingerichteten Ferienwohnungen mit allem Komfort, den Sie sich wünschen. Wir sind täglich für Sie zu erreichen von: 09:00 bis 18:00 Uhr Anreisen sind jederzeit nach Absprache möglich! Zu vielen Ferienwohnungen in Duhnen bieten wir unseren Gästen von Anfang Mai bis Mitte Oktober einen Strandkorb!

Die Ferienwohnung Nr. 11 liegt direkt am Deich von Duhnen und bietet Ihnen einen fantastischen Meerblick auf das Wattenmeer, die Insel Neuwerk und den Weltschifffahrtsweg. Die hochwertig ausgestattete 1 Zimmer-Ferienwohnung bietet Platz für bis zu zwei Erwachsenen und ein Kind. Die Ferienwohnungen der Robbenplate Duhnen liegen in einer verkehrsberuhigten Zone am Ortsrand von Duhnen. Der Strandzugang ist fußläufig in wenigen Minuten zu erreichen und wir bieten Ihnen zu der Ferienwohnung, in der Saison, noch einen kostenlosen Strandkorb am Sandstrand von Duhnen. Sehen extra information auf

Endlich mal wieder tief durchschlafen. Das Frühstück gemeinsam in der komfortabel ausgestatteten offenen Wohnküche der Ferienwohnung einnehmen. Zu Fuß ins Dorf spazieren oder dem einzigartigen Nordseewäldchen im benachbarten Sahlenburg einen Besuch abstatten. Mit dem Fahrrad oder der guten alten Jan-Cux-Strandbahn zum Kurpark fahren, eine Runde Minigolf spielen, an der Pinguinfütterung im Tierpark Döse teilnehmen: Von den Ferienwohnungen aus erreichen Sie alle Attraktionen und Events Cuxhavens ganz ohne bequem und ohne Auto.

Gleich um die Ecke von Cuxhavens Wahrzeichen liegt eine ehemalige preußische Festung aus dem Jahr 1869. Die strategisch günstig an der Elbmündung gelegene Festung diente der Verteidigung des Schiffsverkehrs der Stadt. Heute können Sie an einer Führung durch den Außengraben und die Kanonen sowie den Munitionsbunker und die Unterkünfte teilnehmen. Da Sie sich in der Gegend befinden, gönnen Sie sich doch einen Spa-Tag. Cuxhaven ist ein anerkanntes Seebad und das Ahoi! Das Wellness Center bietet eine Reihe von Pools, Saunen und Spa-Behandlungen, darunter Thalasso, das Meerwasser, Algen und Schlamm in die Therapie einbezieht. Dem Meerwasser wird eine positive Wirkung auf die Haut nachgesagt, es stärkt das Bindegewebe und lindert Gelenk- und Muskelschmerzen.

Wir sind gebürtige Cuxhavener und leben dort, wo Sie Ihren Urlaub verbringen möchten. Wir kennen Cuxhaven und Umzu. Seit 1992 vermieten wir Ferienwohnungen in Duhnen. Nutzen Sie unser Wissen über Cuxhaven damit Sie einen Traum-Urlaub erleben. Was wir leisten: Gemeinsam mit Ihnen, unseren Urlaubsgästen, bilden wir ein Team. Wir begleiten Sie in den Urlaub und vermieten Ihnen eine Traumferienwohnung in Cuxhaven, die Ihnen noch lange in Erinnerung bleiben wird. Am besten ist es, Sie nehmen direkt telefonischen Kontakt mit uns auf. Nur eine gute Beratung schafft das Vertrauen, das für Ihren Traumurlaub wichtig ist. Sie erreichen uns täglich von 09:00 Uhr bis 18:00 Uhr 04723 499150 Wir rufen auch gerne zurück.

Sie möchtenin Ihrem Urlaub in Cuxhaven das gewisse Mehr an Luxus genießen? Dann finden Sie unter den insgesamt acht Ferienapartments, die wir in der Residenz Meeresbrandung für Sie reserviert haben, gewiss ein passendes Domizil. Alle Ferienwohnungen Ihrer Ferienwohnung Duhnen sind komfortabel ausgestattet; zusätzlich zu Ihren privaten Wohnräumen steht Ihnen kostenlos die Nutzung von Schwimmbad und Sauna der Residenz offen. Auch einen persönlichen Autostellplatz und einen Strandkorb, in der Saison, am nur wenige Meter entfernten Strandabschnitt haben Sie mit der Buchung Ihrer Ferienwohnung in der Residenz Meeresbrandung bereits reserviert – im Preis inbegriffen selbstverständlich. Alles, was Sie noch über die Lage und die Ausstattung unserer exklusiven Ferienapartments in der Residenz Meeresbrandung wissen sollten, erfahren Sie hier.

Alex Kime or the upsurge of a Alaska outdoor adventure expert

December 13, 2023


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The climb of a Alaska tourism industry expert : Alex Kime: Alex Kime founded Alaska Horsemen Trail Adventures in Cooper Landing, Alaska, in 1997, alongside his daughter, Gretchen. This outdoor travel business offers a variety of outdoor experiences, including guided horseback riding adventures and expeditions, as well as a lodging facility known for its “True Alaskan Hospitality”​​​​. Alex Kime is an individual who has made a big contribution to the outdoor adventure and tourism industry in Alaska. Find extra details on Alex Kime.

Alex Kime

Kime’s journey to Alaska began in 1963 when he moved there from Oregon at the age of 12. The following year, he experienced the Great Alaska Earthquake, a major event in the state’s history. His life in Alaska has been marked by various adventures and contributions. In the 1970s, he was involved in the construction of the Great Alaska Pipeline to Prudhoe Bay, a significant infrastructure project. The 1980s saw a turning point in his life when he purchased his first horse, Cyrano, and began exploring the Kenai Mountains’ backcountry. This experience likely played a key role in his eventual establishment of the Alaska Horsemen Trail Adventures​​.

Through his business, Alex Kime has not only contributed to Alaska’s tourism but also to the preservation and appreciation of its natural beauty and outdoor adventure opportunities. The services his company offers, such as guiding and packing throughout the Chugach National Forest and the Kenai National Wildlife Refuge, provide visitors with a unique way to experience the Alaskan wilderness.

​Most trips are hosted and guided by Alex Kime. Resurrection Trail, a historical trail from Cooper Landing to Hope, is used to access remote mountain valleys that were used by natives, trappers, hunters and gold miners in the pioneer days. Their old trails are utilized as well as campsites. Wildlife viewing can be hit or miss. We do our best to help you spot wildlife, many of which may be wolves, caribou, moose, brown bear, black bear, sheep, goat, coyote, wolverine, and bird viewing for eagles, hawks, owls, spruce hen and our state bird the ptarmigan. Fishing availability may be an option on custom trips, just ask!

The business provides guiding and packing services in the Chugach National Forest and Kenai National Wildlife Refuge, along with cabin rentals and group retreats at their serene pioneer-style lodge. Inspired by the historical trails of natives and pioneers, Alaska Horsemen is named in honor of the early packers who navigated the Tustumena and Kenai Mountains by horseback, embodying the spirit of adventure and exploration. The Alaska Horsemen Lodge, located in Cooper Landing, offers a picturesque retreat amidst mountains and near Kenai Lake, just 100 miles from Anchorage. This small ranch features horseback riding, cozy cabin and wall tent accommodations, and RV parking, set in a tranquil environment perfect for various group events like corporate retreats, educational camps, and family reunions. Guests enjoy the calming presence of horses and the scenic trail rides, along with the exceptional hospitality of host Alex Kime, who has over 50 years of Alaskan adventures. The lodges accommodations include cabins and wall tents for about 40 people, plus additional camping and RV spaces, all offering stunning mountain views. Its prime location is within walking distance to fishing spots, Kenai Beach, and local amenities, making it an ideal spot for a peaceful and authentic Alaskan experience.

Nestled in the picturesque mountains of Cooper Landing, and a short drive from Anchorage, Alaska Horsemen Trail Adventures offers Rustic Alaska Cabin Rentals for long term lease in 2023, RV Space for long term lease in 2023. Come discover the magnificent serenity and beauty Alaska has to offer.

Explore the Kenai Peninsula and spend the evenings at our ranch in cozy and comfortable log cabins. Glamping at its best! We offer cozy cabins and wall tents with a relaxing common area and a serene easy going atmosphere. Cabins are beautifully crafted using local lumber and equipped with heat and electricity. Cabins are one room with a variety of bed choices to fit your needs. There is wireless internet on property. Fine or casual dining is available at one of the nearby restaurants or take advantage of our bbq grill and campfire for your meal. Meal catering can be arranged.

The common area bath house offers two nice bathrooms with showers, a coffee bar with microwave, toaster and hot plate. Enjoy our deck for relaxing and dining. The lodging area is surrounded by mountains and overlooks the pavilion, a fun gathering place that offers a large fire pit with wood, a gas grill and variety of seating. There is a great view of the mountains and the horse corrals. Horse shoe throwing pit, badminton/volley ball area and a gold panning tub with pay dirt are available. And of course lots of horses to pet including perhaps a spring foal!

Looking to plan a family reunion, wedding, or group retreat? You can reserve our entire lodge for your stay. This includes the main property, all the cabins and the common area with a full kitchen, fire pit and grilling area, and dining space. Located walking distance from the tranquil Kenai Lake. Call us today for a quote and availability. We can arrange meal catering for your group.

The best part about a corporate retreat at Alaska Horsemen Trail Adventures is the ability to customize and create a trip that everyone will enjoy and remember for years! Pick and choose what works best for your team. Pan for gold just like the pioneers of old. An activity for everyone, panning for gold is fun, educational, and who knows, maybe you’ll strike it rich!

Desert camel safari in Dubai and premium travel packages today

February 9, 2023


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Excellent desert safari in Dubai today? Manage your time in the evening desert safari and get amused by all entertaining activities like henna painting, traditional clothing, shisha smoking, and Arabic foods. So use your time wisely & capture your outbound memories. Get a professionally experienced & insurance holder driver to enjoy the bumpy adventure. Camel riding is not the same as horse riding, so always listen to your guide before the camel ride. Pregnant ladies are not allowed for the camel ride in Dubai. If you have any issues with your joints, get some pain killer medicines before the camel safari tour. Discover more info on best desert safari company in Dubai. After a bumpy dune bashing, you might feel a bit tired but nothing to worry at all because inside the camp we have Tea or Coffee ready for you. You can relax while having it depending on your taste and carry on with your further entertainment activities.

Sitting slap-bang between Dubai’s older neighborhoods clustered around the creek and the city’s modern sprawl, this ginormous 150-meter-high picture frame is one of Dubai’s latest sights. Inside, a series of galleries whisk you through the city’s history and explore Emirati heritage before you travel up to the Sky Deck, where there are fantastic panoramas of both old and new Dubai to be snapped on the viewing platforms. Afterwards check out Future Dubai gallery, which imagines what a futuristic vision of the city will look like. Sheikh Zayed Road is the main thoroughfare running through Dubai’s modern downtown business district. This wide, eight-lane highway is rimmed with towering glass, chrome, and steel high-rises along its entire length. It’s one of the best on-the-ground vantage points for Dubai’s famed skyscraper views.

Fun, excitement, speed – and even 5D, you can expect all this in the enormous theme park, which is the size of 28 football pitches. With the most up-to-date and exciting rides, IMG Worlds of Adventure brings your favourite characters to life. There are themed rides for younger visitors with Ben 10, Gumball, the Powerpuff Girls and LazyTown, while older visitors can delve into the world of Marvel heroes: Spider-Man, Hulk, Iron Man, Thor and The Avengers. You will also come across life-size animated dinosaurs in the Lost Valley. The range of entertainment promises round the clock fun for the whole family, and there are also plenty of restaurants and shops to explore.

Dubai loves Gold, and these gold souks are a symbolic representation of Arab culture. Located in the heart of the city’s commercial district, Deira, the gold market has grown by leaps and bounds since its advent in the early 1900s. And the free trade policy by Dubai lets the other country traders set up a shop here. Dubai gold souk is home to over 300 gold retail stores, which mostly trade-in jewelry and is expected to have more than 10 tons of Gold At a time. It also trades in precious metals like platinum and silver, and stones like diamonds, rubies, emeralds, etc. A trip to Dubai is incomplete without a visit to the gold markets since the place reflects the old culture of the UAE. Walkthrough the luscious markets of Gold and grab some for you dear ones at an affordable rate. Even if you don’t have the intention to buy gold, it is worth visiting this busy souk area. After all, you won’t get tired of the yellow shimmer and glitter of the gold.

The activity includes a Desert professional Stunt Driver, who will introduce all the members taking part in the activity, after a meet and greet sessions, with briefing of the Do’s and Don’ts, giving you a moment to fresh up before we start the engines to hit the dunes. The Four in One activity will include 30mins of Dune Bashing in a 4×4 Land Cruiser with a Professional Desert stunt driver followed by a stop for 15mins Skiing down the dunes from the highest dune via a Sand Board and then the last activity of 30mins Self Driving Quad Bike in the desert of Al Badayer allowing you to click photos and videos saving the moment of memory to share with others. Post the adventure activities, Our Guide drives you to the Desert Camp, where you take the feel of history, how Bedouin live their lives with a mouthwatering Continental BBQ Dinner and Live Entertainment Shows at the Camp. Find even more information at

Quality travel security app 2023

January 28, 2023


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Quality travel security app today: As an OZZI Travel PRO, you can compare and prepare for local safety conditions at multiple destinations in just a few taps. Now, when you find amazing deals on flights, you can make sure to find the destination that matches your travel style. Are you a beach goer or a museum aficionado? A mountaineer or a foodie? Regardless of how you travel, OZZI helps you travel safer. OZZI Travel PRO evaluate the risks to their vacations with a comprehensive rating system. Each rating is paired with background on the risk and advice on how to prepare. We know that not every risk in every location can be avoided, so we empower Travel PROs with tools to make safer decisions before traveling. Find more information on travel safety app.

Do you like to read on the beach or are you the kind of traveler that likes to fully immerse yourself in a local culture? Depending on your travel style, experts recommend between 2 weeks and 2 years of preparation. Most of us are either too busy or just hope for the best when it comes to travel research. Requirements like passports and immunizations don’t take too long to find; but getting truly local details can require a lot of digging. How deep you want to go depends on your available time. As an OZZI Travel PRO, you easy and offline access to local advice with the tap of a button.

Island Hvar and especially Hvar town is one of the most popular attractions in Croatia. Olive groves, fruit orchards, and lavender fields make up a large part of the agricultural landscape. Hvar town, set in a picturesque natural bay, with the Pakleni island chain protecting it to the south, is a popular port for yachts sailing around the Adriatic, especially in the summer months. Starigrad, the oldest village on the island, and Jelsa, as well as a smattering of small villages, dotting the coast or nestled in the lush interior are also well worth a visit.

As the Ionian Islands are a popular choice for yachting holidays, they are well equipped for visitors. You can expect great ports here, complete with all amenities and help that you may need. And renting a yacht for an Ionian Island cruise holiday is easy. The Argolic and Saronic Gulf is a riviera that covers some of the best of ancient Greece. You could choose an amazing sailing itinerary around here, as there are many fantastic islands and ports to discover. Thanks to our COVID-19 cancellation insurance, you don’t have to stress whether your travel plans will be affected due to COVID-19. Here are some of the reasons why you should book your Mediterranean yacht cruise in 2021 with IntersailClub: Flexible ReschedulingIf you have to change your travel plans because you cannot get to your departure destination due to COVID-19 travel disruption, you can either: Receive a credit for the deposit paid, which you can use in the next 12 months or Reschedule your charter for alternative dates.

A must for museum fans and history lovers, Hanoi’s Vietnam Museum of Ethnology houses the extensive national collection and tells the story of Vietnam’s diverse cultures in a series of excellently well-curated exhibits. Here, the huge number of ethnic minorities who call Vietnam home are highlighted with beautiful displays of artifacts and art that showcase wooden carving, metalwork, and traditional costumes. The garden area outside the main building holds some of the most interesting exhibits. Here, you can see the rural dwellings used by different ethnic minorities across Vietnam, as well as the fascinating Giarai tomb.

The majority of celebrities live on islands along MacArthur Causeway, which leads to South Beach, a.k.a. SoBe, Miami’s acclaimed district for naughty and nice. Two family attractions – Jungle Island and Miami Children’s Museum – have also moved along the bridge’s causeway in the vicinity of Miami’s busy cruise ship port. Ocean Drive, SoBe’s much-photographed street, faces a wide, bustling beach and is lined with its historic Art Deco gems. Intimate, chic hotels have taken up in the jauntily painted masterpieces, their lively cafés spilling onto the sidewalk with hip clientele, wannabe fashion model servers, and Latin tunes.

For the travelers who overnight and have time to explore other sites around Ephesus, we recommend to visit the following sites. They are all nearby Ephesus. Some can be added to private Ephesus tour, some can be visited in a day trip from Kusadasi, Selcuk, Sirince or Izmir. All the below sites, are recommended for travelers who have been to Ephesus already. Ephesus is the main highlight of the area. Some of the sites can be combined with Private Ephesus Tours. For tour enquiries and/or questions please do not hesitate to contact us. For the travelers who will be staying in Kusadasi, Sirince or Selcuk, we offer 3 days tour of western Turkey tours.

To get a baseline of a destination’s risks, check out our guide to local ratings. While OZZI ratings give you a general idea of a risk area, caution and elevated threat zones are the yellow and red areas on the map that let you know when to pause or reconsider travel into those neighborhoods. Taking basic precautions against pickpocketing, extortion, or petty crime will prevent common disturbances in these areas. For more details on a caution zone tap the zone on the map for more information. See more information on

Vacation attractions in Ephesus today from BestEphesusTours

January 22, 2023


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Premium holiday points of interest in Ephesus 2023? Laodicea is located right across the ancient city of Hierapolis. It was once a trade city which was known with glossy black wool and eye salve trade. Mentioned in the Book of Revelation as the luke warm city. Recently Turkish archaeologists excavated a church dating to the time of Constantine. This is thought to be one of the earliest churches of the world. This site is recommended for biblical history lovers. Aphrodisias is 3 hours drive from Kusadasi town. Aphrodisias is derived from the goddess named as Aphrodite, the goddess of love. An artisan city known with sculpturors who made sculptures and sarcaphaguses with the local white marble. You can see the best examples of marble works in this city. The site has the most well preserved ancient stadium in the world which has a capacity of 30.000 people. The huge pool at the south agora is breathtaking. Find many more information at Ephesus Travel Blog.

After you’ve finished visiting Ephesus, head straight to this brilliant museum right in the heart of town. Some of the best finds from the ancient city and the surrounding area are on show here, including two exquisitely carved Artemis statues (one from the 1st century CE and another from the 2nd century CE) famous for their multi-breasted depiction of the goddess. Exhibits cover the entire breadth of Ephesus’ history, from the earliest history of settlement (7000 BCE) up to the Byzantine era, but the vast amount of artifacts here cover the classical era, with intricately carved statuary from the city’s Pollio Monument and Fountain of Trajan among the standout displays in the collection. Also don’t miss the highly detailed ivory frieze, depicting the Roman army, unearthed from the terraced house complex and the bronze statue of an Egyptian priest dating from the 6th century BCE, which showcases the city’s long history of trade with its regional neighbors.

Approximately two kilometers down a road from the Ephesus ruins is this small cave system with an interesting local legend attached to it. Supposedly, in 250 CE, the Emperor Decius persecuted seven early Christian converts who then were sealed up by the emperor in this cave. Two hundred years later, the Christians awoke to find the Roman world had become Christian and lived peacefully in Ephesus for the rest of their days. When they died, they were buried back here in the cave, and it became a pilgrimage center. There’s not a huge amount to see inside the cave except some tombs, but just before the cave entrance is an outdoor terrace where local women cook traditional gözleme (flatbreads), which make for a great lunch after visiting Ephesus.

Even the main foundation year of Ephesus is unknown, most of the sources are claiming that it was founded in 6000 B.C. Ephesus was built for Artemis to show their respect. Ephesus is an Ancient Greek city that is now on the Western side of Turkey, Izmir. In the origins, the city belonged to Greece. Ephesus was also the capital of Hellenic Greece. As Ephesus was in Greece in the past, you may also see Greek culture combined with Turkish culture. Ephesus is a great place to explore if you are into history. Because the city has many historical sightseeing spots. Ephesus would not be a great idea to go to Ephesus for people who enjoy exploring modern places, cafes, and streets.

Based on founder’s experiences “Best Ephesus Tours” guarantee %100 guest satisfaction on Ephesus Tours. Best Ephesus Tours aims fully satisfied guests on their Private Ephesus Tours, accordingly we prefer with working tour guides who have a national tourism ministry license but not regional. Thus, we try our guest to take benefit of their short stay in Turkey with learning about country together with famous Ephesus Ancient City also. Discover a lot more information at

Located right next to the Celsus Library, the square is the city’s most important trade and cultural center, Agora, which is the marketplace. Agora has a total of 3 doors, and was built in BC. It was founded in the 3rd century during the reign of Emperor Augustus. Agora was damaged due to a big earthquake in the 4th AC. century and became unusable. In the 6th century AC, a new agora was established in the northern part using the remains here. The section where the newly established agora is located today serves as the Gendarmerie barracks center and entrance to that area is prohibited.

San Blas sailing charters right now and travel tips

November 10, 2022


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San Blas islands sailing right now and tourism tricks? Entrance to Panama Viejo is only $6 USD for adults and that includes a visit to the museum and viewing tower. To get there, just get a taxi from Casco Viejo. The drive only takes about 20 minutes. Getting out of the hustle and bustle of Panama City is actually really easy and one of the best places to do it is at Soberania National Park. Located only 45 minutes from the city, Soberania National Park is a tropical paradise filled with wildlife. In fact, the park is known as one of the best places in Panama for bird watching! Visiting Soberania National Park is really easy from Panama City and there are two main options for places to visit and hiking trails. The first is called the Rainforest Discovery Center and here there are lots of marked trails as well as an observation tower to climb. The trails at the Discovery Center are shorter and more suited to families or those who don’t hike. The entrance here is $30 USD. The second is Pipeline Road. This is a much cheaper option and also more authentic. In total, Pipeline Road has 17 kilometers of hiking trails and is where you can spot monkeys, sloths, and a huge range of birds and reptiles. It only costs $5 USD to enter Pipeline road. Find more information on San Blas sailboats.

Anyone who visits this area of Mexico should visit the unique ruins of Tulum, perched over the Caribbean Sea – no ruins can boast such an incredible view! But if you’re staying in Tulum, you really have no excuses. I like this 3-in-1 Discovery Combo Tour because you get to explore coral reefs, ancient history, and nature all in one day. The tour starts with a guided tour of the Tulum Ruins; after that, you’ll go on a boat tour to the coral reef in the Caribbean Sea where you’ll get the chance to snorkel. The Tulum and cenote tour ends with a swim at Cenote Caracol, a beautiful cave cenote.

The Pacific Coast of Mexico has been a great place for sport fishing and certainly in San Blas you can live a great adventure and find a variety of fish such as Dorado, Sailfish and Marlin, as well as Mojarra, Pargo, Sierra and Snook, depending on the season. Be sure to visit the famous International Tournament Sailfish, Marlin and Dorado which is held every year during the months of May and June.

Have you ever wanted to spend a day and a night on your own beautiful island? An island paradise smack-bang in the middle of gorgeous clear blue seas where there’s no one else around?A place where all you have to do is jump in the water when it gets too hot? Well, the island you see in the image above is one of those. We stayed there on our second night. Well that’s San Blas. It gets even better. We had a Kuna Native visit us. An hour after he left he dropped off some ice cold beers we could enjoy around the fire on our own island. I guess Robinson Crusoe wouldn’t have minded that service!

We had a wonderful boat trip on Lake Gatun. Saw so much; ships traveling the Panama Canal to lots of wildlife. Howler monkeys, iguanas, tamarins that came close for a little piece of banana. Sebastian, our guide was excellent. We then went for lunch on a houseboat followed by kayaking to a waterfall and swim. Picked up and dropped off at our hotel. Lake Gatun forms a major part of the Panama Canal, and on this guided boat tour from Panama City, you’ll be able to explore it. During the boat ride, spot different wildlife surrounding the lake, such as sloths, monkeys, iguanas, crocodiles, birds, and more. After lunch, you’ll have the option to take a drip in a spring-fed natural pool, kayak in the lake, or go fishing. Find additional details at

Tao Travel 365 aims to provide its travelers with a “one-stop-shop” for their next great travel adventure. From thoughtfully selected tours and itineraries, to expert travel advice from experts available 24-hours a day, 7-days a week. At Tao Travel 365 we believe in eco-friendly travel preserving the beauties of nature and forming meaningful human relationships with the locals, while adhering to our Tao philosophies that focus on being in balance with yourself and with nature. Every adventure we offer to our customers has been handpicked and personally experienced by Michael and Paola, who value high quality experiences, great prices and excellent customer service.

Although it’s not on most travelers’ itineraries, Punta Chame is home to one of the nicest beaches in Panama and it’s also the best place for kiteboarding in the country. Set on a peninsula jutting out into the Pacific Ocean, this area is literally all about the beach. The endless stretch of beach here is wide, and the water is warm and shallow, giving kiters who are learning the distinct advantage of being able to stand up in the water to collect themselves as they work with their kite. The winds are side on shore and quite consistent from December to April, which is Panama’s dry season. Several kite schools offer lessons, including Machete Kite and Kitesurf Panama, located at opposite ends of the beach.

Top rated Himalaya Buddhist monasteries holiday attractions with Kyle Quandel

October 31, 2022


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High quality Buddhist Himalaya spiritual holiday attractions from Kyle Noble Quandel? The monasteries of Lo Manthang are filled with cultural beliefs. Thubche, Jyampa, and Chodye are the three monasteries of Lo Manthang. There are other monasteries like Namgyal, Charang, Loghekar, and Ghiling with years of historical values. Each corner of this kingdom reflects ancient Tibetan Buddhist culture and traditions. These places are covered in Chortens, paintings, manuscripts, sculptures, and other artefacts. These valuable assets reflect not only Buddhism, but also a way of living. Upper Mustang has the next level of beauty and significance.

Kyichu Lhakhang Temple: this prominent Buddhist temple is located in the Paro District. It is believed that, on his visit to this place – Guru Padmasambhava hid many spiritual treasures here. According to the locals, there are 2 orange trees in the courtyard of this temple complex which bear fruits throughout the year. The Haa Valley is a must-visit for nature lovers. Enjoy the scenic drive to this valley while you catch a glimpse of the splendid views of the dramatic landscapes. This place is well-known for fascinating legends and folk culture. The guardian deity of this valley is Ap Chundu. In his honour, the shamanistic ritual is still practised by the local communities. Read more details at Kyle Quandel.

The village of Nako in the Himachal Pradesh region of India is home to eight Buddhist temples, the sacred Nako Lake, and a footprint believed to belong to Padmasambhava, a legendary eighth-century Indian Buddhist master. Its picturesque landscape is dotted with architecture that has been preserved for hundreds of years. This stupa is the largest in Nepal and one of the holiest Tibetan Buddhist monuments outside of Tibet. It’s located just east of Kathmandu and was probably built in the fourteenth century after the Mughal invasions, although its legendary history goes even further back. In addition to being a popular tourist site, it’s an important site of pilgrimage for Tibetan Buddhists and there are many Tibetan monasteries around the stupa.

Mount Kailash Yatra and Parikrama of Lake Mansarovar, one of the holiest paths to Nirvana, takes you to one of the most revered places in the Himalayas. Mansarovar and Mt. Kailash are two of the holiest pilgrimage areas to devotees of Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism, Bonism and many other faiths. Each year thousands of devotees undertake the treacherous and rigorous journey through the mountains of Himalayas to reach this sacred land. For Hindus it is the holiest of the holy place as the abode of Lord Shiva. It also has geographical significance as four great rivers flow from it: the Karnali, the Indus, the Sutlej and the Brahmaputra, which drain the vast Tibetan Plateau to contribute to the Ganges in India. Kailash is an object of devout pilgrimage also for the Buddhists. Likewise, Lake Manasarovar is one of the highest sacred lakes in the world. The sacred lake is an important pilgrimage site for Buddhists and Hindus, as it is believed that bathing in the holy waters will cleanse one’s sins.

Milarepa’s Cave: It is believed that Milarepa, one of Tibet’s most famous yogis and Buddhist practitioners, spent several years of his life in this cave in western Tibet. Pilgrims journey to the site with offerings of decorated stones, sweet herbs, and wildflowers, leaving them along the path to the cave. Pilgrimage escape is the excellent way to explore the Himalayas’ pilgrimage destinations. Life here revolves around an intricate intermingling of ancient Hindu and Buddhist religious rituals. Read additional information at

Am besten ferienwohnungen in Duhnen komfortable, transparente und schnell im Augenblick

October 24, 2022


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Oben ferienwohnungen Cuxhaven schnell, transparente und komfortable 2022? Gute Luft, eine frische Brise, Fischertradition, das aufregende Wattenmeer und jede Menge norddeutscher Charme – das alles bieten Ferienwohnungen in Cuxhaven. Wassersport, Baden, Wellness, Kultur und Schifffahrt warten auf den Urlauber. Dort wo sich die Elbe bei Cuxhaven und die Weser bei Bremerhaven mit der Nordsee vereinen,, wird die Region an der südlichen Nordsee umgangssprachlich als Cuxland oder Cuxhavener Land bezeichnet. Bei uns im Cuxland ist das ganze Jahr Saison, weil sich der Einfluss des waremen Golstroms, insbesondere im Winter, günstig auf die Temperatur auswirkt. In unseren Ferienwohnung in Cuxhaven Wohlfühlurlaub zu erleben bedeutet, Nordseeferien in vollen Zügen zu genießen. Lesen extra einzelheiten auf ferienwohnung Cuxhaven.

Jede einzelne der vier Ferienwohnungen im Strandpalais Duhnen, bei Cuxhaven ist luxuriös ausgestattet und lässt keine Wünsche offen. Egal, ob Sie gern alleine, als Paar oder als Familie in Duhnen Urlaub möchten – für jeden ist die passende Unterkunft in der passenden Größe dabei. Alle vier Ferienwohnungen sind modern eingerichtet und in den großen und hellen Räumen finden Sie alles vor, um entspannen und sich selbst versorgen zu können. So ist jede Ferienwohnung Duhnen mit einem Flachbildfernseher und einer Waschmaschine ausgestattet. In der Küche stehen alle notwendigen Utensilien zum Kochen und Backen bereit. Auf dem Balkon und der Dachterrasse finden Sie Gartenmöbel, damit Sie auch an der frischen Luft Energie tanken können.

Wie viel Exklusivität benötigen Sie und welche Extras sind Ihnen gerade recht? Wenn die Sehnsucht nach der erfrischenden Schönheit und dem erholsamen Klima der Nordsee Sie mal wieder überkommt, Sie aber genug haben von Traumferienwohnungen, in denen Sie nur das Nötigste vorfinden, dann sollten Sie unbedingt einen Blick auf unsere Traum-Ferienwohnungen Cuxhaven beziehungsweise Duhnen werfen, die sich unter anderem im Strandpalais Duhnen und in der Residenz Meeresbrandung befinden.

Die Ferienwohnung in der Residenz Windjammer ist eine der beliebtesten Ferinenwohnungen in Duhnen. Die Ferienwohnung Nr. 13 ist eine moderne und exklusive Ferienwohnung die direkt am Deich von Duhnen liegt und Ihnen einen Top Meerblick und eine sehr hochwertige Ausstattung bietet. Ein persönlicher PKW Stellplatz gehört ebenfalls zu der Ferienwohnung. Alles, was Sie noch über die Lage und die Ausstattung unseres exklusiven Ferienapartments in der Residenz Windjammer Wissen sollten, erfahren Sie hier.

Das Haus Pacific Duhnen befindet sich direkt am Sandstrand von Cuxhaven Duhnen und bietet Ihnen Ferienwohnungen mit Panorama Meerblick auf den Weltschifffahrtsweg, die Nordsee und den Sandstrand von Duhnen bis Döse. Die Ferienwohnung befindet sich nicht weit entfernt von der Strandpromenade und dem Ortskern von Duhnen mit seinen Geschäften und Restaurants. Das Pacific Duhnen ist ein sehr gepflegtes Haus mit wunderschöner Seesicht und hauseigenem Pool. Die Ferienwohnung Nr. 84 verfügt über zwei Balkone, einen kostenlosen Tiefgaragenstellplatz und wurde hochwertig renoviert. Die Ferienwohnungen Nr. 92 und Nr. 91 sind die Penthäuser!

Gleich um die Ecke von Cuxhavens Wahrzeichen liegt eine ehemalige preußische Festung aus dem Jahr 1869. Die strategisch günstig an der Elbmündung gelegene Festung diente der Verteidigung des Schiffsverkehrs der Stadt. Heute können Sie an einer Führung durch den Außengraben und die Kanonen sowie den Munitionsbunker und die Unterkünfte teilnehmen. Da Sie sich in der Gegend befinden, gönnen Sie sich doch einen Spa-Tag. Cuxhaven ist ein anerkanntes Seebad und das Ahoi! Das Wellness Center bietet eine Reihe von Pools, Saunen und Spa-Behandlungen, darunter Thalasso, das Meerwasser, Algen und Schlamm in die Therapie einbezieht. Dem Meerwasser wird eine positive Wirkung auf die Haut nachgesagt, es stärkt das Bindegewebe und lindert Gelenk- und Muskelschmerzen. Sehen meht einzelheiten auf

Endlich mal wieder tief durchschlafen. Das Frühstück gemeinsam in der komfortabel ausgestatteten offenen Wohnküche der Ferienwohnung einnehmen. Zu Fuß ins Dorf spazieren oder dem einzigartigen Nordseewäldchen im benachbarten Sahlenburg einen Besuch abstatten. Mit dem Fahrrad oder der guten alten Jan-Cux-Strandbahn zum Kurpark fahren, eine Runde Minigolf spielen, an der Pinguinfütterung im Tierpark Döse teilnehmen: Von den Ferienwohnungen aus erreichen Sie alle Attraktionen und Events Cuxhavens ganz ohne bequem und ohne Auto.

Awesome San Blas yachting charters today with tourism recommendations

October 17, 2022


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Premium San Blas sailboat charters 2022 with travel tricks? During my stay in Panama City, I wanted to escape the concrete jungle and go for a nice walk one morning. So, I asked my hotel where the best place close by to go would be and they suggested Ancon Hill. From Casco Viejo, I took a short taxi ride to the park, and wow, was it beautiful! Despite the busy surrounding streets, the minute I entered the park the city seemed long gone. As we walked up the path to the top of the hill the trees where alive… literally! We could hear all sorts of animals and saw a lot of lizards. You can also see sloths and monkeys in the park, but we weren’t that lucky! The hike ends at the top of Ancon Hill and the views of the city are incredible! The walk to the top takes around 35 minutes at a steady pace and is almost completely shaded. There isn’t much to do at the top except admire the view, but the walk there is beautiful and this is easily one of the best things to do in Panama City! Find more information at San Blas sailboat charters.

If you’re looking for more than just swimming and snorkeling at a cenote, these diving cenote tours for all levels will definitely provide the thrill you’re looking for. And if you’re staying in Tulum, you’re in luck as around here there are many cenotes that are suitable for diving. Is it your first time scuba diving? How exciting to experience it in the beautiful Mexico cenotes! This cenote diving tour specifically for first timers will teach you all you need to know to dive safely. After the class, you’ll head to Casa Cenote where you’ll experience your first 40-minutes dive.

One of Panama’s top surf destinations is Santa Catalina, on the Pacific Coast. This small but growing town has a laid-back surfer feeling about it. Small guesthouses and hotels, and funky restaurants, force you to slow down and relax. If you aren’t here to surf, great snorkeling and scuba diving spots are nearby, and horseback tours through the surrounding countryside are good options for those not interested in getting wet. One of Santa Catalina’s main draws is Isla Coiba. This lush island, now Coiba National Park, is almost untouched and is considered a biodiversity hot spot, with close to 200 bird species, crocodiles, turtles, and snakes. The scuba diving here is very popular due to the enormous whale sharks that frequent the area. These gentle giants are curious creatures and enjoy interacting with divers. Tours to Isla Coiba can be arranged in Santa Catalina. One of the most fun things to do near Boquete is visiting the local swimming hole at Los Cangilones. Set at a lower elevation than Boquete, the climate here is much warmer, and on hot days you’ll find a fun scene, complete with music, barbecues, food vendors, and Panamanians from far and wide splashing and jumping off the gorge edges into the crystal-clear, warm waters below. In this unique geological place, the river narrows into a gorge before opening up again in a shallow pool at the bottom. Daring adults and older kids jump off the edges into the slowly moving waters and then float down to the bottom, climb out, and do it all over again. Youngsters and visitors who are looking for something a little milder can wade into the shallow waters where the gorge opens up. The walls vary in height, so it depends on how brave you are and how high you want to go. This is very much a family destination.

The San Blas Islands are magical. With their pristine white sands and clear blue seas many people compare them to the Fiji Islands. I’ve met lots of very experienced travellers, who’ve been all around the world, who say that this multi-day adventure is one of their best travelling highlights. With 390 unique Islands you could visit an island each day of the year and you’ll still have some left over! Most of them are so small that you even have trouble finding them on Google Maps. What’s better is that travelling to this unspoiled natural wonder is actually very affordable. In this article I’d like to tell you the most important things you need to know to experience this amazing place as well!

At Tao Travel 365 we strongly believe in eco-friendly travel and strive to support the environment as well as the local population where we conduct our tours. Read more on our philosophies in About Us. In line with our eco-friendly travel philosophy we only offer tours in exotic locations, away from mass-tourism and the immense carbon footprint. We are nature enthusiasts and enjoy breathing clean air, swimming in unpolluted waters and observing healthy wildlife in its original setting. We have greatly enjoyed all the adventures we are offering and are excited to share them with you.

Entering the Panama Canal you will get to photograph huge Ocean Liners up close. The Canal opens up into the pristine Gatun Lake where we head to the Monkey Islands. Here we photograph three types of monkeys, iguanas, crocodiles, a wide range of stunning birds and maybe an elusive manatee. You leave with the complimentary SD Card from the camera with your wonderful memories. This tour starts in the morning at Gamboa park. You will navigate in the Gatun Lake together with cruises, vessels, container ships or even submarines as they cross the Panama Canal As you navigate the Gatun Lake you will encounter different animals that live in the rainforest surrounding the lake like sloths, different kinds of monkeys, iguanas, crocodiles, birds, etc. You will be taken to a beautiful spring fed water hole by canoe but for the adventurous, kayaks are available as well as fishing at the lake.

The Guna Yala (also known as Kuna Indians) are the indigenous people of the San Blas Islands. Originally occupying the border of Panama and Colombia, (when Panama was part of Colombia), the Kuna Indians began settling in the San Blas Archipelago around 1800. No tourists were allowed to the region until the 1940s, as the Kuna Indians operated an autonomous state separate from Panama. The Kuna have kept many of their cultural traditions intact, which are still thriving today. They originally wore few clothes and decorated their bodies with bright, colorful designs, but after Europeans arrived, the Kuna began making and wearing intricately woven molas, which are still present today. Travelers are now allowed to visit, and each island family works with local operators and each other to ensure guests have the best experience on a visit to the islands.

Awesome Vietnam travel destinations and holiday recommendations

October 13, 2022


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Fabulous Vietnam attractions and vacation recommendations? South of Da Nang, Vietnam, are the Marble Mountains. These five peaks are named after the five elements of earth, water, wind, fire and wood. The mountains are picturesque on their own, but they are also home to countless caves, some of which house incredible Buddhist sanctuaries. Some caves contain Confucian or Buddhist shrines, and others were used as sanctuaries and hospitals during the Vietnam War. Discover even more information on

Surrounded by lush jungle-covered mountains, My Son is a ruined Cham era temple city that dates from the 4th century. This old Hindu religious center was still very much in use during the 7th to 10th centuries and only fell into complete decline and abandonment during the 13th century. There are around 20 temple structures still standing here, all built of brick or sandstone blocks and showing interesting influences from various Asian empires, including Indian and Malay. Note that the temples of Group B are the oldest, while Group A once contained the site’s most important monument but was destroyed deliberately by US forces during the Vietnam War. A good museum on-site houses plenty of information on the Cham. Access to My Son is from Hoi An.

The War Remnants Museum once known as the ‘Museum of American War Crimes’ first opened to the public in 1975. It’s a shocking reminder of the long and brutal Vietnam War with many graphic photographs and American military equipment on display. All these weapons were used by America against the Vietnamese.The War Remnants Museum is in District 3, Ho Chi Minh City and is run by the government. It is open all year round from 07:30 to17:00. A visit to this war museum is a disturbing experience for most people and may not be suitable for children (though they are allowed to enter).

Admire the Chinese shophouses and gaudy assembly halls, iconic Japanese Covered Bridge, and faded French colonial-era mansions. This old quarter is also home to a strong local community, with markets and artisan workshops and riverside open-air cafés and restaurants, perfect for sampling local culinary delights. The Ancient Town comes into its own after dark, especially during the monthly, full moon lantern festival, when, traffic-free streets are illuminated solely with hundreds of multi-colored silk lanterns and vibrant with traditional festivities.

Traditional water puppetry originated in the North’s Red River Delta, where for centuries, farmers practiced this recreational art form in flooded paddies. Handed down the generations, this unique puppetry nearly died out but has seen a huge revival, recognized as an Intangible Cultural Heritage and performed in theatres in major cities and award-winning international tours. Hidden behind a bamboo screen, puppeteers manipulate lacquered wooden puppets using rods while wading in waist-deep water, which act out traditional stories based on ancient folk tales and rural village life on an ever-changing, watery stage, The hour-long shows of short vignettes are accompanied by live traditional music and while all in Vietnamese, the comical, delightful puppetry and music keeps the audience enthralled. In Hanoi, book your tickets at the world-famous Thang Long Water Puppet Theater and in Ho Chi Minh City, at The Golden Dragon Water Puppetry Theater or Museum of Vietnamese History.

Essential Vietnam attractions and vacation tips and tricks

October 12, 2022


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Travel attractions and vacation advices in Vietnam with Under French rule, the Con Dao Islands were known as the Devil’s Island of Indochina, a place where thousands of prisoners of war were kept. Today, this group of 16 islands off the southern coast of Vietnam has a completely different purpose. Visitors come for the beautiful beaches and the abundance of scuba diving and snorkeling spots. However, the history of Con Dao can still be explored at some of the prison buildings that still stand. Find even more information at

Hue Imperial City, set along the northern bank of the Perfume River, features hundreds of monuments dating back to early 19th century, including the Forbidden Purple City, royal tombs, pagodas, temples, royal quarters, a library and museum, Also called the Complex of Hue Monuments, this UNESCO World Heritage Site also hosts daily cultural performances at 09:00, 10:00, 14:30 and 15:30. Entrance fee is priced at VND 150,000, which combines visits to both Hue Imperial City and Hue Museum of Royal Antiquities. A 30-minute drive from Phu Bai International Airport, Hue Imperial City is a must-visit for any visitor to Central Vietnam.

Wartime legacies are prominent attractions in Ho Chi Minh City and these two museums are the most popular, equally fascinating, and a must-do experience. The imposing Independence Palace (or Reunification Palace) is of great symbolic importance in the nation’s history. Formerly, the South Vietnam government’s HQ and official presidential residence, this was where North Vietnamese Army tanks crashed through the main gates on April 30, 1975: the defining ‘Fall of Saigon’ moment and the start of Reunification. Now a ‘National Cultural and Historical Relic,’ museum and VIP function space, this landmark monolith building, ensconced in pretty grounds, stands frozen in time from that fateful day. Take a guided tour through five floors and rooms preserved in the 1960s and 1970s time-warp: highlights include the bomb-proof basement, with secret tunnels and war command room, kitschy cinema and casino, and glittering reception halls.

Traditional water puppetry originated in the North’s Red River Delta, where for centuries, farmers practiced this recreational art form in flooded paddies. Handed down the generations, this unique puppetry nearly died out but has seen a huge revival, recognized as an Intangible Cultural Heritage and performed in theatres in major cities and award-winning international tours. Hidden behind a bamboo screen, puppeteers manipulate lacquered wooden puppets using rods while wading in waist-deep water, which act out traditional stories based on ancient folk tales and rural village life on an ever-changing, watery stage, The hour-long shows of short vignettes are accompanied by live traditional music and while all in Vietnamese, the comical, delightful puppetry and music keeps the audience enthralled. In Hanoi, book your tickets at the world-famous Thang Long Water Puppet Theater and in Ho Chi Minh City, at The Golden Dragon Water Puppetry Theater or Museum of Vietnamese History.

One of Vietnam’s most historic towns, Hue is packed to the brim with relics from the reign of the 19th-century Nguyen emperors. Sitting along the banks of the gorgeous Perfume River, the Imperial Enclosure is a huge site set within walls that sprawl for 2.5 kilometers. While touring the grounds check out the gorgeous Ngo Mon Gate, the Thai Hoa Palace with its finely lacquered interior detailing, the Dien Tho Residence where the Queen Mothers would live, and the Halls of Mandarins with its preserved ceiling murals. A dazzling number of historic sites lie outside the Imperial Enclosure walls as well. One of the nicest ways of visiting a collection of outlying sites is by taking a riverboat cruise on the Perfume River. A day cruise can take you to visit several royal tombs along with some pagodas. If you’re short on time, the best tomb to visit is the Tomb of Tu Doc and the most important pagoda in the area is the Thien Mu Pagoda, with its tower that soars for 21 meters high.

Best rated Vietnam travel destinations and holiday tricks and tips

October 8, 2022


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Travel tours and holiday tips and tricks in Vietnam 2022? Most travelers to Vietnam are attracted by the country’s wonderful natural beauty: From the green rice fields in the north to the fascinating bustle of the Mekong Delta in the south. Vietnam however is also a country with a long history and ancient traditions. It has many historic attractions and old temples. An overview of the most amazing tourist attractions in Vietnam. Discover extra info on

My Son Hindu Sanctuary, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is a great sample of the ancient Champa civilization located in the southern part of Vietnam. It was an independent state from around the 2nd to the 17th century, at which time it was occupied by Vietnam. The complex houses around 70 structures devoted to Hindu gods and goddesses and the most noticeable one, Shiva, was considered the protector of the Champa’s kings.

While in Hoi An, be sure to visit My Son Cham towers, located southwest. Not only is this one of Vietnam’s most striking examples of its ancient Champa Kingdom and a World Heritage Site, but also one of Southeast Asia’s most important archaeological sites and a foremost Hindu temple complex. Set in a narrow wooded valley, surrounded by forested mountains, this evocative Cham temple sanctuary was once an important spiritual and political center and royal burial ground of the former Champa civilization, built between the 4th to the 14th centuries.

This vast bay area is not just one of Asia’s most spectacular natural wonders, protected as a World Heritage Site, but one big tourist attraction in itself and one of Vietnam’s most iconic sights. Northern Vietnam’s stuff of legends, this ‘Bay of Descending Dragons’ presents an ethereal seascape of 2,000-plus limestone islands and rock formations magically jutting out of the Gulf of Tonkin’s emerald-hued waters. Halong Bay’s southern extension, the extraordinarily beautiful Lan Ha Bay, reveals equally stunning scenery, but as a relatively new tourism destination with fewer tourist vessels passing through, offers a more remote, tranquil experience.

For big city fans, no visit to Vietnam is really complete without a visit to Ho Chi Minh City, the buzzing and crazy commercial hub of the country. The streets are an insane clog of motorbikes and cars, the restaurant and cafe scene is incredibly cosmopolitan, and the shopping is the best you’ll find in the country. At its center is Dong Khoi, a relatively small and easily navigable central district, which holds most of the city’s sights. Here, you’ll find the HCMC Museum, with a brilliant collection of artefacts that weaves together the story of the city, and the grand Notre Dame Cathedral, built in the late 19th century. Check out the old district of Da Kao nearby for some of the best surviving examples of the city’s French colonial architecture and also to visit the Jade Emperor Pagoda with its dazzling array of Buddhist and Taoist religious iconography. Afterwards, the History Museum is a must-do for history fans with stacks of relics on display from various archaeological sites. For many visitors, the two big hitter attractions not to miss are just a little out of the center, along Nguyen Thi Minh Khai Street. The Reunification Palace, then known as Independence Palace, was the residence for South Vietnam’s president. It’s chiefly famous as the spot where North Vietnam’s tanks stopped on 30 April 1975, officially ending the war. It’s a completely fascinating place to visit complete with 1960s furnishings still in situ. Nearby is the War Remnants Museum, which although very obviously biased, paints a disturbing picture of the brutality of war and the many atrocities committed by US Forces during their Vietnam campaign.

Attractions and vacation tricks and tips in Vietnam 2022

October 3, 2022


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Top rated Vietnam attractions and holiday tips and tricks? Hue’s crown jewel is the magnificent 19th century Imperial Citadel, a sprawling walled complex containing the Imperial Enclosure, Forbidden Purple City, palaces, temples, gates, and much more. Although much was destroyed during the Vietnam War, many parts are under restoration and worth exploring, including the Flag Tower, Ngo Mon Gate and Thai Hoa Palace. Other gems cover several Mandarin Garden Houses and the incredible Emperor’s royal mausoleums lying hidden amid the river valley and low-lying hills. Among Hue’s numerous exquisite pagodas, don’t miss the most historic, the seven-tiered, 17th century Thien Mu Pagoda. Even Hue’s delicious imperial cuisine is descended from the royal courts! See extra info at

The War Remnants Museum once known as the ‘Museum of American War Crimes’ first opened to the public in 1975. It’s a shocking reminder of the long and brutal Vietnam War with many graphic photographs and American military equipment on display. All these weapons were used by America against the Vietnamese.The War Remnants Museum is in District 3, Ho Chi Minh City and is run by the government. It is open all year round from 07:30 to17:00. A visit to this war museum is a disturbing experience for most people and may not be suitable for children (though they are allowed to enter).

With seven stories, the Thien Mu Pagoda in Hue is the tallest pagoda in Vietnam. The pagoda overlooks the Perfume River and is regarded as the unofficial symbol of the former imperial capital. The temple was built in 1601 during the rule of the Nguy?n Lords. The initial temple was very simply constructed, but over time it was redeveloped and expanded with more intricate features.

For big city fans, no visit to Vietnam is really complete without a visit to Ho Chi Minh City, the buzzing and crazy commercial hub of the country. The streets are an insane clog of motorbikes and cars, the restaurant and cafe scene is incredibly cosmopolitan, and the shopping is the best you’ll find in the country. At its center is Dong Khoi, a relatively small and easily navigable central district, which holds most of the city’s sights. Here, you’ll find the HCMC Museum, with a brilliant collection of artefacts that weaves together the story of the city, and the grand Notre Dame Cathedral, built in the late 19th century. Check out the old district of Da Kao nearby for some of the best surviving examples of the city’s French colonial architecture and also to visit the Jade Emperor Pagoda with its dazzling array of Buddhist and Taoist religious iconography. Afterwards, the History Museum is a must-do for history fans with stacks of relics on display from various archaeological sites. For many visitors, the two big hitter attractions not to miss are just a little out of the center, along Nguyen Thi Minh Khai Street. The Reunification Palace, then known as Independence Palace, was the residence for South Vietnam’s president. It’s chiefly famous as the spot where North Vietnam’s tanks stopped on 30 April 1975, officially ending the war. It’s a completely fascinating place to visit complete with 1960s furnishings still in situ. Nearby is the War Remnants Museum, which although very obviously biased, paints a disturbing picture of the brutality of war and the many atrocities committed by US Forces during their Vietnam campaign.

Wartime legacies are prominent attractions in Ho Chi Minh City and these two museums are the most popular, equally fascinating, and a must-do experience. The imposing Independence Palace (or Reunification Palace) is of great symbolic importance in the nation’s history. Formerly, the South Vietnam government’s HQ and official presidential residence, this was where North Vietnamese Army tanks crashed through the main gates on April 30, 1975: the defining ‘Fall of Saigon’ moment and the start of Reunification. Now a ‘National Cultural and Historical Relic,’ museum and VIP function space, this landmark monolith building, ensconced in pretty grounds, stands frozen in time from that fateful day. Take a guided tour through five floors and rooms preserved in the 1960s and 1970s time-warp: highlights include the bomb-proof basement, with secret tunnels and war command room, kitschy cinema and casino, and glittering reception halls.

Excellent holiday destinations in Bali

September 27, 2022


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Bali travel attractions from Rt-discoverbali? If you want a more affordable option, you can rent a scooter or motorcycle. If you are planning on renting a scooter, it is best to do a little research and find out what the best scooter rental shop is in your area. This can be a little tricky, as there are many scooter rental shops in Seminyak. Make sure you have proper insurance and also a license before you can ride. We recommend if you are not experienced in riding motorbike and scooters dont try and learn in Bali. The roads are busy and difficult to navigate you are best to only take this option if you have experience riding. It is a wise idea to get a local sim card in Seminyak, make use of the unlimited data that is being offered by different carriers. See even more info at places to see in Bali.

The island’s rich arts scene is another top draw, and if relaxation is your top priority, the spa treatments and shopping in Bali are fabulous – and affordable. Spirituality adds yet another layer to Bali’s allure, and visiting the magnificent temples and sacred Hindu ceremonies are top things to do in Bali. Since the famous book and film Eat, Pray, Love spotlighted this enchanting island, the tourist throngs have undeniably swelled, but you can still experience Old Bali if you stray off the beaten track. Find the best things to do, and some of the island’s hidden gems, with our list of the top attractions and places to visit in Bali.

Jatiluwih is one of the places in Bali that’s up and coming. As more and more people flock to the rice terraces of Ubud, others are seeking some solace in new ones. Well Jatiluwih has that for you. It’s actually a UNESCO heritage site too and it looks pretty beautiful. Munduk is one of my favourite places to visit in Bali if you’re looking for a cooler climate. Bali can get scorching hot, but if you head to Munduk, it’s a little colder, and in the evenings, you may even find you need a jacket.

Made famous by the book and movie Eat, Pray, Love, Ubud is also the epicenter of Balinese art and culture. This is where the modern Balinese art movement was born, with the surrounding royal palaces and temples acting as the main patrons. Today, several excellent local museums and galleries celebrate its evolution and traditions. Art gazing is particularly rewarding here, as many collections are housed in traditional Balinese buildings surrounded by serene tropical gardens. For an overview of Balinese art, your first stops should be Agung Rai Museum of Art (ARMA) and the Neka Art Museum, which lie within a short stroll of the Ubud Monkey Forest. Collections at both include works ranging from traditional to contemporary, including kris (ceremonial daggers), photography, and classical wayang (puppet-figure) paintings. Other art galleries and museums in the Ubud area that might be of interest to art lovers include Setia Darma House of Masks & Puppets featuring ceremonial masks from Asia and beyond; Museum Puri Lukisan, spanning a range of Balinese artistic styles; and the Don Antonio Blanco Museum, at the artist’s former home and studio.

As one can expect from the title, the Bali Bird and Reptile Park is a fun place for kids, adults, and families who love those animals. The park houses around 1000 birds along with a whopping 250 species of reptiles. It’s the perfect place to head to for nature lovers and for those who want to do something different and enjoy being in a surrounding with animals. Don’t forget to pack your camera for this trip as the brightly colored toucans are perfect to fill up your memory space with. If you get tired during the tour then no need to fret. There is s dining facility in there along with a shopping place from where you can get your souvenirs. It is among the best Bali tourist places. See extra information at

With black sand spread over an area of 5 miles, Lovina beach is the largest resort area on the north coast of Bali. Encompassing several small villages, it is a welcome break from the hustle of the Southern tourist attractions in Bali. Things to do: Go snorkeling and scuba diving in the calm sea; watch the dolphins; take a spa; visit hot water spring at Banjar Also known as Kintamani volcano, Mount Batur is one of the most dramatic landscape for sightseeing in Bali. With the magnificent view of its a 13 sq km caldera and a beautiful lake which fills the large part of the caldera, it offers a fantastic spectacle to a visitor. Things to do: Visit Pura Ulun Danu Batur; linger around the craters on the mountain; swim in the hot springs; ride a bike through the ancient villages Cant miss: Trek to the peak before sunrise, soak yourself in the beautiful sunrise and have a breakfast of the eggs boiled in the volcano.

Destinations and holiday guides in Vietnam today

September 26, 2022


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Hot Vietnam attractions and holiday recommendations? Vietnam’s capital is the frenetic heartbeat of the nation and a place that befuddles travelers as much as it charms them. The motorbike frenzy, pollution, and constant clamor of street vendors can get too much for some travelers, but if you want to dive into Vietnamese city life, Hanoi is the place to do it. The old town quarter has plenty of dilapidated charm on offer, while history fans should make a beeline here simply to see the bundle of excellent museums. The Vietnam Museum of Ethnology and Vietnam Fine Art Museum are both brilliant introductions to the diverse artistry of the country, while the Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum is an important tribute to the founder of modern Vietnam. Discover extra details at

Ho Chi Minh is arguably the most popular political figure in Vietnam, and is known to his people as ‘Uncle Ho’. His body is preserved here in a glass case at the Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum in central Hanoi (albeit against his wishes). Started in 1973, the construction of the mausoleum was modeled on Lenin’s mausoleum in Russia. Entrance is free of charge, and visitors are required to dress appropriately out of respect for Vietnam’s departed leader.

More than 1,600 years ago, the Chan people of Vietnam began construction on dozens of Hindu temples near the village of Duy Phú. Under the shadow of Cat’s Tooth Mountain, and surrounded by a green valley, several of these temples still stand. Known collectively as My Son, most of the temples are now ruins. However, that only adds to the atmosphere. Visiting My Son is like stepping back in time, thanks in part to its secluded location and the lack of touristy infrastructure.

Wartime legacies are prominent attractions in Ho Chi Minh City and these two museums are the most popular, equally fascinating, and a must-do experience. The imposing Independence Palace (or Reunification Palace) is of great symbolic importance in the nation’s history. Formerly, the South Vietnam government’s HQ and official presidential residence, this was where North Vietnamese Army tanks crashed through the main gates on April 30, 1975: the defining ‘Fall of Saigon’ moment and the start of Reunification. Now a ‘National Cultural and Historical Relic,’ museum and VIP function space, this landmark monolith building, ensconced in pretty grounds, stands frozen in time from that fateful day. Take a guided tour through five floors and rooms preserved in the 1960s and 1970s time-warp: highlights include the bomb-proof basement, with secret tunnels and war command room, kitschy cinema and casino, and glittering reception halls.

Just south is Hoan Kiem Lake, an unexpected oasis of tranquility and beauty at the heart – literally – of Hanoi, awarded ‘Special National Relic’ status. Translating as ‘Lake of the Restored Sword,’ legend-strewn Hoan Kiem is hugely popular with locals and tourists at any time. However, come at sunrise, when Hanoians flock here to exercise on the lake’s shaded shores and on weekend evenings when the surrounding streets morph as a vibrant pedestrianized zone with open-air entertainment. You don’t have to be a child to enjoy Vietnam’s enchanting water puppetry; deep insight into traditional folklore and a surprisingly quirky, cultural experience.

Premium 2 days Toubkal trek tours and Morocco travel attractions right now

September 23, 2022


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Quality 2 days Toubkal trek travel tours and Morocco travel destinations? Join our Toubkal trek 2 days from Marrakech, Morocco. It is among the most popular treks in Morocco. During this two-day ascent of Mt. Toubkal, you will explore the Atlas Mountains. From the bustling markets to the Atlas Mountains, this seven-day trip combines city sights and mountain trekking. This action-packed trip will immerse you in mazelike Marrakech, introduce you to Amazigh (Berber) culture and see you summiting Mt Toubkal. Stay in mountain gites and hiking huts, trek through spectacular mountain scenery and reach the ‘roof of North Africa’ with an expert crew and trusty pack mules. See two very different sides of Morocco in just one week. Read additional info on Mount Toubkal.

Step inside the high, sandy-coloured walls of the old citadel of the Kasbah of the Oudaias in Rabat and take a stroll through the narrow residential streets. Many homes are painted white and blue and Spanish influences can be noticed. There are pretty Andalusian gardens to admire within the fortress complex, as well as the imposing ornamental gate of Bab Oudaia. Steeped in myths and legends, Hercules Cave in Tangier sits above the crashing waves of the Atlantic Ocean. The entrance to the cave displays a number of traditional items and artefacts. Go down the steps and admire the small interior waterfall, rock formations, and statues.

Another stunning place to visit in Morocco on your next visit is the Dades Valley. This valley runs between the Jebel Sarhro and High Altas mountain ranges and is frequently visited by Globetrotters as it offers spectacular views of the surrounding area. Don’t forget to head to Todra Gorge for the best experience. This is amongst the best places to visit in Morocco.

Todra Gorge is situated on the remote east side of the High Atlas Mountains. Both the Todra and neighboring Dades Rivers have carved out cliff-sided canyons through the mountains. The final 600 meters of the Todra Gorge are the most spectacular as the canyon narrows to a flat stony track as little as 10 meters (33 ft) wide in places with sheer and smooth rock walls up to 160 meters (525 ft) high on each side.

Marrakesh is a city that sums up all of Morocco’s exotic North African charm. The city’s name provided the root for the name of the country itself, spelling out this town’s importance through the ages. Within the hustle of the medina, you’ll find the city’s main points of interest in a dizzying meld of ancient and new. Just soaking up the atmosphere here tops the things to do list, with snake charmers and smooth shop touts both competing for your attention amid a noisy, colorful bustle that encapsulates Morocco’s vibrant soul.

If you like to discover the Toubkal Mount on a very challenging manner, you can always choose to climb the peak of the mountain. When you manage to reach the summit, you will be rewarded with the fascinating views of the High Atlas Mountains. A climb to reach the summit of Mount Toubkal is normally started with a trekking from the Imlil village. This Moroccan village has also become an interesting site for many tourists. Thus, make sure that you also take your time to enjoy the village. Read more info at

Best Bali travel attractions

September 21, 2022


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Travel attractions in Bali by Among the 7 sea temples each within eyesight of the next, is Tanah Lot Temple tour. Situated on a large rock, it is one of the most iconic Bali tourist attractions for photography and exoticism. Things to do: Stroll along the beach; sunbathe; watch the sunset; dine and experiment with the local cuisine. Cant miss: Surfing and swimming. A small town in the southwestern coast of Bali, Seminyak is famous for its high-end boutiques, and five-star restaurants among Bali tourist attractions. With a treacherous surf, it offers a perfect adventure with a panoramic background. Things to do: Indulge in cheap daily massage; watch the gorgeous sunset; shop; chill out at the pool parties; pose at Bali Trick Art Gallery; surf the seas; feel blessed at the Pura Petitenget temple. Cant miss: Cocktails at a cliff at The Rock Bar; a splash in Waterbom water park. Discover even more info at places to see in Bali.

You may be wondering why Bali’s most happening tourist destination is Seminyak. Seminyak is one of the most popular destinations in Bali, and we’re here to tell you why! It is a coastal area in the south of the island of Bali. It’s known for its chaotic nightlife, wild parties, beaches, and stunning resorts. In Seminyak, you will find the most amazing shopping and dining destinations. The nearby Seminyak Beach is perfect for taking a dip after a day of exploring. Be sure to check out the restaurants. Seminyak is a place to be, with music, culture, and a sense of community. We hope you enjoyed our post on Seminyak Bali. We know that many people want to know more about this popular destination, so we wanted to share our knowledge and expertise with you! We hope that it helps you make the most of your time in Seminyak. If you are looking for a place to explore, you will not be disappointed in Seminyak. It has it all, and it is worth it to get out and explore. Thank you for reading, we would love to hear from you!

Bali is one of the most evocative places to visit in the entire Indonesian archipelago. A visit here sparks the senses. The intoxicating fragrance of incense and clove oil hangs in the thick tropical air. Peanuts sizzle at roadside stalls, petal-strewn offerings smolder on busy sidewalks, and traditional gamelan music jangles against the buzz of mopeds. Despite the clamor and chaos of the main tourist areas, the island is rich in natural beauty, with attractions for every kind of traveler. Surfers come for the legendary swells, hikers can trek up jungly volcanic peaks to misty waterfalls, and cyclists can bike through lush landscapes bristling with rice terraces and dotted with traditional villages.

Sidemen is one of those rare, almost undiscovered places to visit in Bali. It holds the most beautiful rice paddies in all of Bali, and I think it’s way better than Ubud. The accommodation options are filled with beautiful hotels that are settled among the paddies and it’s just a dream. Gianyar is a great place to visit in Bali that’s close to Ubud, so it doesn’t take much effort to get there. The Amlapura region is one of the less discovered areas of Bali and therefore one of the best places to visit in Bali if you’re looking for something different!

The 17th-century Pura Ulun Danu Bratan is one of Bali’s most picturesque temple complexes. It sits on a small island along the western shore of Lake Bratan, in the cool highlands of central Bali. Set against the imposing backdrop of Gunung Bratan, the thatched temples reflect on the lake, and when the water levels rise, they seem to float on its surface. Lake Bratan is one of Bali’s main sources of irrigation and drinking water, and the temple complex is dedicated to Dewi Danu, goddess of the sea and lakes. An unusual feature is the Buddhist stupa on the left of the entrance to the first courtyard, with figures of Buddha meditating in the lotus position in niches on the square base. The stupa reflects the adoption of Buddhist beliefs by Balinese Hindus. The best time to visit this sacred Hindu temple complex is early in the day, before the tourist buses arrive. The temple is especially picturesque in the soft morning light, when cool mist sometimes cloaks the lake and the mountains beyond. You can also hire a canoe and paddle out on the lake to explore the meru (thatched shrines) at close range.

Jimbaran Bay Beach has everything which a beach lover could ever want. There are amazing coral reefs, luxury hotels, and sun loungers as well to complete the full experience. The beach is a strip of shimmering land connecting the mainland of Bali with the Bukit Peninsula. It is a very mellow place which is perfect for relaxing and it offers tranquility as well as peace to its visitors. Enjoy the sound of the ocean in your ears as you sit underneath the vibrant green coconut tree groves. Absolutely picture perfect, this place truly offers all you could possibly want, there are diverse dining options as well so you can enjoy a scrumptious meal while watching the beautiful sunset. Read extra details at

Top rated Morocco vacation attractions and Marrakech hot air balloon trips

September 18, 2022


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Top rated Morocco travel attractions and Marrakech hot air balloon travel tours right now? Discover Morocco from the perspective of a hot air balloon. Embark on this thrilling ride above the Palm Grove of Marrakech and its surrounding landscape to see a bird’s eye view of the area. Round off your experience with a cup of fresh mint tea and visit to a local Berber house. Just one hour away from the legendary Jemaa El Fna Square, fly in a hot-air balloon over the beautiful countryside, seeing the amazing contrast between Morocco’s urban and rural areas. Discover even more information at hot air balloon Morocco.

This lovely old palace built by Vizier Si Said is home to a wonderful collection of Berber jewelry in finely worked silver, oil lamps from Taroudant, pottery artifacts, embroidered leather, and marble. There is also a display of Moroccan carpets and an amazing collection of traditional Moroccan door and window frames, which highlight this country’s local architecture styles. For anyone interested in the evolution of North African art and crafts, it’s a lovely place to potter about for a couple of hours. Near the Dar Si Said, the Maison Tiskiwin has a rather wonderful collection of costumes, jewelry, arms, musical instruments, textiles, and furniture (focused on Saharan culture) put together by Dutch art historian Bert Flint. Another branch of the museum is in Agadir.

Meknes is one of the four Imperial cities of Morocco and its name and fame are closely linked to that of Sultan Moulay Ismail. The sultan turned Meknes into a impressive city in Spanish-Moorish style, surrounded by high walls with great gates. While Meknes is an imperial city with a lot of historical monuments and natural sites it is also the nearest city to the Roman ruins of Volubilis.

Step inside the high, sandy-coloured walls of the old citadel of the Kasbah of the Oudaias in Rabat and take a stroll through the narrow residential streets. Many homes are painted white and blue and Spanish influences can be noticed. There are pretty Andalusian gardens to admire within the fortress complex, as well as the imposing ornamental gate of Bab Oudaia. Steeped in myths and legends, Hercules Cave in Tangier sits above the crashing waves of the Atlantic Ocean. The entrance to the cave displays a number of traditional items and artefacts. Go down the steps and admire the small interior waterfall, rock formations, and statues.

Tangier is among the most beautiful Morocco tourist places out of all the European-looking Moroccan cities. This fascinating city had played a major role in the literary history of Morocco in the 20th-century and is very much responsible for shaping this country as we know it today. It’s this very history and culture that attracts tourists here from far and wide. In fact, Tangier is what had inspired famous works like Paul Bowles’ The Sheltering Sky as well as William Burroughs’ Naked Lunch. Other than the historical vibes, you’ll also find some remaining bohemian cafes and louche bars here to chill here located in the midst of the famous places to see in Morocco. Read more info on

Fabulous Vietnam attractions and holiday guides

September 15, 2022


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Travel tours and vacation recommendations in Vietnam 2022? Despite modern-day developments, the ‘Delta’s floating markets are in decline, but many still operate in strategic localities; for visitors, this is an iconic Vietnamese sight and wonderful opportunity to engage with locals and experience a traditional southern culture – besides a fantastic photographic opportunity. Take an early morning guided tour on a small vessel, weaving in amongst dozens of colorful barges piled high with seasonal produce and household items and ordering Vietnamese breakfast and coffee from floating kitchens! The largest, most renowned floating markets are Phong Dien and Phung Hiep, but especially, Cai Be and Cai Rang, popular for its vibrant atmosphere. All can easily be visited in a day trip from Ho Chi Minh City, but afterward, continue boating deep into the ‘’Delta countryside, disembarking at fruit orchards and stilt-house communities. Read extra info at

Ho Chi Minh is arguably the most popular political figure in Vietnam, and is known to his people as ‘Uncle Ho’. His body is preserved here in a glass case at the Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum in central Hanoi (albeit against his wishes). Started in 1973, the construction of the mausoleum was modeled on Lenin’s mausoleum in Russia. Entrance is free of charge, and visitors are required to dress appropriately out of respect for Vietnam’s departed leader.

The most scenic spot in Da Nang is arguably My Khe Beach. Also known as China Beach, this was where US servicemen were helicoptered in for R&R during the Vietnam War. These days people come here however for tis pristine white sand, blue water and sunny skies. Visitors can rent a lounge chair on the sand, relax in the shade under a thatched umbrella or rent a kayak from nearby vendors. Many hotels and cafes are within walking distance of My Khe Beach, making it a hub for visitors as well as locals in search of incredible views.

Tranquil Ba Be National Park is absolutely stunning with the three interlinked Ba Be Lakes at its heart, rimmed by jagged karst peaks and thickly forested slopes. Most visitors come here to take peaceful boat trips or kayak on the lake and explore the caves full of stalactites and stalagmites in the vicinity, but for the more active, there’s also excellent hiking and trekking in the hills here between ethnic minority villages. This is one of the most peaceful spots in Vietnam, and travelers who spend the night here sleep in traditional stilt-house homestay accommodation along the lakeshore, allowing an experience of simple rural life.

My Son lay neglected for centuries, rediscovered by French archaeologists in 1898. Ravaged by time, ironically the greatest damage occurred during the Vietnam War, however, the majority of the central complex managed to survive the bombs and some parts are being restored. Devoted to Hindu Gods, the sanctuary is comprised of more than 70 red brick and sandstone temples arranged in clusters, incorporating striking decorative carvings, stele, sculptures, and inscriptions. Today, in various states of ruin, repair, and vegetation overgrowth, My Son nevertheless is still impressive, with around 20 temple structures still standing. There’s also an interesting on-site museum; visit early morning to escape the tour groups and heat.

